A few clouds. Low 68F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph..
A few clouds. Low 68F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.
Newly elected and reelected City of Manchester and Manchester City Schools officials were sworn-in to their respective offices during a special called meeting at Manchester City Hall Thursday Aug. 18.
Newly elected and reelected City of Manchester and Manchester City Schools officials were sworn-in to their respective offices during a special called meeting at Manchester City Hall Thursday Aug. 18.
Coffee County Middle School (CCMS) is introducing a wrestling program coached by Josh Mainville with Assistant Coach Derrick Strickland.
Paisley Dyer, a 7th grade student at WMS, hits the target from 45 feet. Paisley's dad, Coach Chad Dyer says that archery will be one of many activities offered during Westwood Middle School's Journeys after school program.
Aaron Dessner has revealed he learned a great deal working with Taylor Swift.
During the August meeting of the Law Enforcement Committee, Sheriff Chad Partin reported that the newness of the Coffee County Jail has worn off leaving maintenance problems a growing concern.
“With an eight-year-old building and devalued engineering that got put into this place, we’re starting to see things breaking,” Partin said.
Partin detailed a list of needed repairs that include replacing a commercial freezer, backflow check valves, a leaking sprinkler system and the facility’s boilers that he said have been a chronic problem since taking office. Some of these repairs require certified technicians, while the sprinklers require taking the whole system offline, making the repairs and then recharging the system and testing it.
“The biggie that we’ve got is in the boiler room, our two boilers, both computer boards are out on them,” Partin said. “Our hot water is an issue in this building. We’ve got to get that up and running. Partin said the department is working on replacing the computer boards, but that the component must be matched to the ones in the boilers, then shipped to a second company to be programed. Partin suspects that the original manufacturer of the computer board is no longer in business.
Partin said that plumbing leaks in the building are from Schedule 80 plastic piping that should have been installed in galvanized pipe.
“We have water breakages all the time,” Partin said. “We’re fighting that boiler room all the time.”
Partin said that maintenance issues happen in any building that’s not new anymore.
Chief Deputy Frank Watkins estimated that the repairs could cost $25,000-$30,000.
Partin noted that jail repairs come from a mixture of Sheriff Department’s and Coffee County Maintenance Department’s budget. If at some point the repairs become too extensive, repairs may have to go into the capital projects line item.
An addition project in the works, following the widening of Highway 41 from Home Depot to Wattendorf Memorial Highway, is an upgrade to the jail sign. The sign will be lowered and accented with brick and illuminated.
John has been with the Manchester Times since May 2011. John has won Tennessee Press Association awards for Best News Photo and placed in numerous other categories. John is a 1994 graduate of Tullahoma High School, a graduate of Motlow State Community College and earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Middle Tennessee State University. He lives in Tullahoma, enjoys painting, dancing and exploring the outdoors.
Download the free Manchester Times mobile app at the app store. John has won Tennessee Press Association awards for Best News Photo and placed in numerous other categories.
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